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Interuniversity network

Two universities, Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle and Toulouse 2 - Le Mirail – Le Mirail have joined forces to create a network of schools working in the field of the arts and media in order to extend their influence.

This network, co-managed by the Arts and Media Doctoral School and the ALLPH@ Doctoral School intend to pool existing strategies specific to each and to encourage mobility among doctoral students within the network in order to generate synergies.

The network plans so start operating internationally straight away, with contracts signed in accordance with existing transnational agreements between its member universities.
The interuniversity network of Arts and Media Doctoral Schools is already running programmes for doctoral students:
- Seminar 2011-2012 at the Arts and Media Doctoral School 267 of the Université de Paris 3 and the Cultures and Societies Doctoral School 529 of Université Paris-Est: Listening in theatre and film (3rd year): sound
- ALLPH@ junior arts and science research workshops
- Doctoral thesis prize including publication in L’Harmattan’s Arts et Médias series.

- The network plans further activities and is currently thinking of:
- Network-accredited training to be validated within doctoral programmes
- Pooling information and communication tools via a website currently under construction

Illustrations (du haut en bas) : Illustrations (from top): Top of a Baga mask, Guinea (detail), Musée du quai Branly, Paris. / Leonardo da Vinci, Manuscript E (detail), c.[nbsp]1513, Library of the Institut de Paris. / Emile Gallé, decorative dish (detail), Musée d’Orsay, Paris. / Commedia del’arte (detail), early 18th century. Château de Versailles et de Trianon / Pisanello, three studies of male heads, 15th century, Musée du Louvre / Codex Borbonicus (detail), Mexico, Library of the Assemblée Nationale, Paris. / Katsushika Hokusai, Thirty-six views of Mount Fuji, c.[nbsp]1830, Musée des Arts asiatiques-Guimet, Paris.